Geographical Assessment Scoring

Scoring may take place by City or by Planet.

Scoring by City.

Here we have four cities Hooghly, India; Los Angeles, California;

Santa Barbara, California and San Diego, California.

The major planets and associated qualities are scored with the inclusion of the North Node.

Some Uranian Planets and Asteroids are included

Chiron (Healing), Poseidon (Enlightenment), Lilith (Goddess).

At the Top of of graph we have the City.

On the left we have the planet.

On the right the quality associated with the planet.

On the bottom of the graph the number to which the score bar ascends to.

Hooghly, India; Moon reaches between 55 and 60.

Sun reaches approximately 70 while

Mercury ascends to approximately 95 and

Neptune the highest scorer of 100.

If Relocation were to take place to Los Angeles, California

Moon score would still be around 60

Sun score would still be around 70.

Mercury communications drops from 95 to around 55

Neptune Imagination still stays 100,

Energy of Mars rises from just above 80 to 90.

The largest increase of the planets in these two cities would be the

Success given by Jupiter which rises from around 45 to just below 100.

While no score is provided for Poseidon (Enlightenment) in Hooghly

it rises over 50 points for a relocation to Los Angeles, California.

These scores are indicators of planetary strength in a specific city and may be calculated by planet alone,

or with additional aspects, midpoints and parans.

Working on the below

Scoring By Planet

Here we are able to score cities in question for specific qualities held by the major planets.

Uranian and Asteroids may be included.

Here we are scoring the Power of Pluto, and Emotions of the Moon for four cities,

as indicated on the left side of the bar graph

Hooghly, India, Los Angeles, California; San Diego, California and Santa Barbara, California.

Points accumulated through planet strength alone or with aspects, midpoints, parans included.

Pluto's Power is indicated to be stronger (75 points) in two cities, Los Angeles, California and San Diego.

Of the four cities selected the Moon is indicated to be stronger in Hooghly, India and San Diego, California.

Scoring for Pluto – Power

Scoring for Moon – Emotions

These are general indicators of of planetary strength in specific cities.

There are various ways to obtain the above bar graphs.

Some include aspects to the planet in questions.

Some include Midpoints, and Parans which effect the total score.

For this reason the above graphs may vary in total score.

Any difference in the above graphs may be due to different ways of calculating.

These graphs are examples of ways of scoring a specific city location.

These graphs are examples of how a city or location may relate to a specific planetary influence.

They can act as a gage for strengths and dominant factors in the specific area for the person in question

Scoring can be one example of Geological Assessment,

how a specific area or city of choice may be calculated based their birth data.
