Paramahansa Yogananda

Least Aspected Planets Scores

Mars 041
Uranus 062
Mercury 131
Moon 151
Venus 211
Neptune 230
Pluto 240
Sun 242
Jupiter 322
Saturn 432

The planets with scores under or near 130 would be considered "Transcendental Planets".
These "Transcendental Planets" would be Mars with a score of 041, Uranus with a score of 062, then Mercury with a score of 131.
His most aspected planets would be Saturn, followed by Jupiter, then his Sun.

When Paramahansa relocated from his birth place at Gorakput, India to Encinitas, California, he relocated to almost exactly upon his Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus line. While in Gorakpur India, Uranus was about 200 miles or 3 degrees west of his natal birth place on his Ascendant, after relocation to Encinitas, California Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus is on his Descendant.

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Paramahansa Yogananda Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus At Gorakput, India

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Paramahansa Yogananda Astrocartography Map
with Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus at Encinitas, California on the 33rd latitude

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Paramahansa's chart for Gorakput, India
Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus on Ascendant

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Paramahansa's chart for Encinitas, California
Secondary Transcendental Planet Uranus on Descendant

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