Color & Colored Light

Color Science Theory by EFG2
Chromaticity Lab Report
Visible Light Spectrum and Hydrogen Emission/Absorption SpectraGood for color (nanometer) to khz.
Maxwell Triangle Lab Report /EFG2
EFG Color Lab
The Composition of Color
Color of Stars
EFG2 Color Lab
Projects and Lab Reports
Interactive CIE demonstrations - This applet CIELAB and CIELUV colour spaces allows you to enter the x, y (or u', v') coordinates
of a colour, together with its relative luminance Y, and read off the coordinates in both CIE (1976) L* a* b* and also CIE (1976) L* u* v*.
Applet - These java applets allow you to select an approximate colour, using your mouse, and read off its x y and its u'v' coordinates,
or, more accurately, to key in either x and y, or u' and v', and read off the conversion into the other system.
Optical Interference
Wavelength Converter