
Fractals & Scenar Therapy

The SCENAR device resembles a TV remote control and is powered by an ordinary 9V battery. It is placed on the skin of the chest, head, abdomen or any diseased part, where it collects electromagnetic signals.
These are then modulated according to the device's programme and played back to the tissues. Essentially, SCENAR is using the patient's own endogenous signals on a cybernetic feedback basis, scanning
and re-transmitting many times a second. As described to me, the device 'evolves' a new signal pattern for the disordered tissues, the machine literally entering into an information dialogue with the body.
New frequencies and energy patterns are established, which in turn become fresh input signals, to be further modified, and so on. This output-equals-new-input is much the way that fractals are generated
and thus,biologically-speaking, we seem to be on good ground here. On the premise that disease signals are generally fixed and unnatural, anything, which breaks up the existing order has the capability of disease-busting.
ENART Scenar

Microacupuncture Systems as Fractals of the Human Body
From the above link.....Microacupuncture systems are one of the manifestations of fractalisation, the universal principle of self-organization in nature.

According to the positions, the main function of the meridians is an informational exchange between the organism (microspace) and the environment (macrospace). The goal of this exchange is the adaptation of on organism for the environment’s changeable conditions.
(2). Fractal electro-magnetic (or torsion) fields, which are able to transmit information without energy’s transfer are pretending on the role of material substratum, by means of which the exchange is realized.
(3). The advantage’s of this model are that it allows to unite the scientific’s modern view for the matter’s structure with the acupuncture’s conception of ancient East; to prove the physical reality of such categories as meridian, Qi-energy, internal and external pathogens etc.

Thus, the channels of acupuncture are the wave formations, which transmit the information about internal environment of an organism and realize the exchange of this information with external environment through the points of acupuncture.

That is to say, the meridians system is an informational cast of a human body on wave level. Besides, according to the principle of fractalisation, an organism creates a lot of quantum copies of itself with the projection on the skin, mucous membranes etc.

The biological sense of these multiple copies is to create bigger “durability reserve” of informational structure or the body scheme, with codes its anatomical structure, space and time development, organs and systems’ work.

"As from a blazing fire thousands of sparks fly forth, each one looking self-similar to its source, So from the Eternal comes a great variety of things, and they all return to the Eternal finally." Mundaka Upanishad II.1.1

Mandelbrot Explorer
Make and post your own fractal online.

Fractal Explorer

Fractal Explorer - Mandelboth Set
Fractal Explorer
These pages are designed to help students and teachers understand the mathematical ideas behind the beautiful geometric images known as the Mandelbrot and Julia sets.
Included are a series of interactive explorations that will help you discover the meaning of such topics as Julia Set Explosions, Rotation Numbers, Bifurcations, and much more.

Fractals in Biological Sciences
Applications of Fractal Geometry to Biology
Fractals in Biological Systems

Fractals from Yale
DNA, Fractals & Golden Mean
Fibonacci & Fractals
3 Dimensional Phi 700 Polyhedron
3D Fractal Applet
Fractal Music
Fractal Music download
Fractal Applets
Art Song Fractal ProgramArt Song software program - Scans RGB to Midi
Gingerbread Fractal SoftwareGingerbread Fractal Software

Pascal & FractalsMathland
Fractal Software
3D Fractal Applet
Introduction to Fractals
Types of Fractals
Types of Fractals1
Test Fractal Generator
Fractal Software Links
Fractal Software DownloadsPlenty of Downloads

Fractal Music
How to create fractal music
FractalsSights to Sounds. Nice Page, Can Create Music Online.
Primes and Music
Fractal Software Links
Composing with Chaos; Applications of a New Science for MusicArticle
Wind, Sand, and Sea Voyages: An Application of Granular Synthesis and Chaos to Musical Composition
Fractal Music LinksGood Page for downloads.
Large List of Fractal Software
Metamath Music PageNow here is an interesting Page. there is a way to play over 3000 algorythms and here it is.
Create your Own Chaos, turn numbers into music.
How the numbers make music.
Solmization Syllables...The mapping of nonmusical material to pitches is another ancient idea. A medieval technique known as soggetto cavato (a theme "carved" from words) maps the individual letters of words to music. For example, Hercules Dux Ferrarie, a mass by Josquin des Prez dedicated to Hercules, Duke of Ferrara, uses a theme based on the vowels in the Duke's name. The sequence of vowels e-u-e-u-e-a-i-e is first mapped to the six solmization syllables (ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la), which generates the following syllables: re, ut, re, ut, re, fa, mi, re. When converted to traditional note names, one gets the pitches, D-C-D-C-D-F-E-D. This technique has been used extensively by composers throughout history, including J. S. Bach.