Software Online Hearing Test Biotechtronics - Audio, Hearing, Color and the eye. Photron Light Stimulator projects specific wavelengths of visible light onto the retina of the eye,
which converts the light into nerve impulses called photocurrent.
Audio vision - Audio Vision software ensures that a hearing test measures the entire range of frequency response of the ear divided into octaves. The client can establish the range of frequency
responses for the hearing test on his own. Verification is carried out automatically. Once the session is over, the hearing test is stored in a database. The 54 frequencies generated are part
of the series of octave ninths based on the note "C" from 32Hz to 16384Hz. The choice of these frequencies spread over nine octaves enables the performance of classic or elaborate hearing tests.
Hearing Test Digital Audiometer Ear-Q Ear-Q Technology /Online Hearing Test