Mathematics and Natural Law

A page on Prime Numbers including Mersenne Primes,
Twin Primes and Spirals, Pascal & Sierpinski Triangles.
Software and Applets links are included to do research.

Vedic Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan Hyperspace and the octave-based revelation of Ramanujan; The Edgar Cayce of Physics decodes the Universe.

On-Line Encyclopedia of Interger Sequences

Pattern in Numbers, From Primes to DNA
Prime Numbers
Prime Numbers Research
Patterns in Prime Numbers
Prime Numbers List - List of 1,000 primes and links to 10,000 prime numbers.
Primes Number Links - 15 Good Links
Genetic Alphabet Soup
Spirit Art - First 200 Prime Numbers, Has an Excellent Links Page. Open Source Directory on Prime Numbers.
Prime Number Patterns

Mersenne Primes
Mersenne Primes - Good Links
Mersenne Primes
Mersenne Primes
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
GIMPS Home Page - 39th Known Mersenne Prime Found!!
List Of All Known Mersenne Primes
Wolframe Research / Mersenne Primes

Twin Primes
Twin Primes

Ulam Spiral
Prime Number Spiral
Triangle Numbers of Ulam Spiral

Pascal, Sierpinski Triangles
Pascal's Simplices
Sierpinski Pentagon
Sierpinski Triangle Applet -Create and color your own Sierpinski Triangle base on Pascal's triangle.
Sierpinski Pentagon

Geometry Junkyard- Good links page


Prime Number Listening Guide - Listen to prime numbers, make your own music by using prime numbers.
Primes Numbers in Music
- Listen to audio files of Pascal's triangle, Sierpinski triangle, Fibonacci Sequence, Pi and more.
Metamath Music Page Now her is an interesting Page. There is a way to play over 3000 algorythms and here it is.

Global Science Projects for Students

10,000 Fibonacci Numbers
Fibonacci Calculators and Applets
PiDownloads to 10,000 digits of Pi.

Durga Yantra
Magic Squares, Stars and other Patterns
Magic Squares, Stars, circles etc.

Software & Applets

Ulam Spiral of Prime Numbers - Nice applet
Ulam Spiral Software -
Freeware for Prime Number Research
spiral applet
Java Applet of Platonic Solids
Freeware for primes
Program Searches for Prime Numbers.
Ulam's Spiral Applet
Java Applet's Links
Discrete logarithm calculator
Aestetics of the Prime SequenceExcellent - Convert Prime Numbers to DNA Sequences. Make Music from Prime Numbers.
Print Primes -you can input start and end number and get a list of all prime numbers.
3D of Prime Numbers -
Sierpinski Triangle Applet -Create and color your own Sierpinski Triangle base on Pascal's triangle.
Golden Pentagram Applets
Thoth Sacred Geometry SoftwareUsed on Maps.
Geometry Software
Draw a 3D Spiral
Hyperspace Star Polytope Slicer
Mark Newbold's Rhombic Dodecahedron Page