Sacred Geometry

Timestar - A pentagonal dodecahedron has twenty
vertexes, and a tetrahedron has four. As it turns out you can position five
tetrahedra in vertex-coordination with the dodecahedron with no overlap.
This is apparently something that the ancient Mayan culture knew about.
Elastic Interval Cinema - Beautifully Done.
Struck Web Resources Real Nice Page
Synergetic Crystallography
Richard Hawkins Synergetic Geometry
Geometry Online
Synergeticuniverse - Buckminster Fuller
Bruce Rawles Links
Good Links Page
Platonic Solids - Wolfram Reasearch - Measurements of Platonic Solids
Platonic and Archimedian Polyhedra
Meru Foundation
- God's & Goddess of the Indian PatheonGanesha (son of Shiva, remover of Indra/Kali/Shiva obstacles) To distinguish between the Physical Compton Radius Vortex Electron ....
Music & Sacred Geometry

Genome - DNA
Put a DNA sequence into this applet. Space is typically mapped in terms of three orthogonal axes
(xyz, + and - values), but when directions are considered instead, this approach appears to be overkill since it consists of a
total of six directions (or rays), where four would suffice. If movement through space is considered to happen in discrete steps,
then it could be described with a language of just four symbols. Which four-symbol language is the most interesting?
The language of DNA, of course!


Thoth Sacred Geometry SoftwareUsed on Maps.
Geometry Software
Draw a 3D Spiral
Hyperspace Star Polytope Slicer
Mark Newbold's Rhombic Dodecahedron Page