Sound & Voice Analysis

VBS Voice Balancing System
VBS analyses your voice and generates voice2voice (v2v) balancing tones optionally mixed with your favorite music, you can use both direct recording or open .wav files.

V2V Voice Balancing
v2v performs voice analysis and generates voice2voice (v2v ) balancing tones. v2v is VoiceSync balancing tone generation technology, it uses a symmetric mirror composition of voice formants as a harmonizing sound, it therefore compensates excess tones reducing their power and increases weak ones raising them, the result is a familiar sound very close to nature environments that relaxes and increases your concentration. This program analyses voice calculating formants and displaying and accumulated radial spectrograph -your voice print-, filtering silence noise and low quality recordings. v2v tones are generated from calculated formants and can be mixed with your favorite music in CD, Mp3 or wav formats.

V2V Voice Sync
Voice 2 Voice (v2v). Measures voice shape with the 30% of total frequency power generating tones based on its mirror (max-v(i)),
these tones are rich in deficit frequencies and sound similar to nature environments, hard to believe until you hear them!.
Trace of PHI relations in voice and rhythm is also provided.

Phi Relations
PHI analyzer. Counts the number of PHI relations in voice frequency formants and displays a graph with its evolution in time.
PHI appears in most nature manifestations, feel and see it in your voice and learn how to control it.

Voice Parameters - Voice Params analyses main voice parameters including Shimmer (volume variations),
Jitter (freq. Variations) and N2H (Noise to Harmonic). Exhaustive studies can be found linking measurements
and variation of these parameters with emotional and physical states.

Shimmer Curve -
Voice spectrogram. Displays freq. evolution in time and measures the range that contains 50% of voice power,
it’s useful to study voice rhythm and ‘see’ voice with time perspective.

Voice Spiral
Uses combined visual, sound and musical generated resources.
View animated spirals with binaural relaxing sounds.
Analyze your voice and listen to the balancing voice2voice (v2v) sounds.
Explore musical chords and identify them with emotions.
Listen emotional chords contained in your voice.


Healing Vibrations

Infrared Radial Spectralgram Radial spectrograph. Displays accumulated voice frequencies in a radial format providing a convenient depicture of voice freq. distribution, accumulated freq. distribution 'shape' can provide extensive information about the speaker. See the difference between these shapes depending on your emotional state.